Higdon Magnum Mallard Feeder Pack, Foam Filled (6pk)

A virtually indestructable foam filled feeder pack.  This is Higdon Outdoors mallard feeder pack, which is sure to decoy in the hungriest of wary birds.  Package includes 4 skimmers and two duck butts for a multi-pose feeding frenzy.  A percentage … Continued

$149.00 Add to cart
Higdon Magnum Mallard, Foam Filled, Flocked Heads, + 6 Slot Bag

#17054 Need to start a spread?  Need to add to your spread and mobility?  Look no further.  These magnum mallards come with a premium slotted bag to ensure the mobiltiy and protection your decoys deserve.  Flocked head drakes. Foam Filling … Continued

$350.00 Add to cart
Magnum Full-Body Mallard, Variety Pk, Flocked Heads + Bag

Package Includes: 4 Drakes & 2 Hens with 6-slot bag.  The sturdy powder coated stand allows movement in the slightest breeze.  The stand system joins the decoy and stand as one piece which allows it to be carried by one … Continued

$349.00 Add to cart