ncompromised optical and mechanical systems – Made and designed in Austria and The United States!

Zero Com­pro­mise Optic is and al­ways has been a multi-na­tional af­fair. Since the com­pany was cre­ated, we com­bined the best op­ti­cal, me­chan­i­cal, new de­sign cre­ation, and per­for­mance dri­ven minds from Aus­tria and The United States. The ZCO staff in­clude mem­bers that hold mul­ti­ple patents in the rifle scope in­dus­try, have de­signed some of the most ro­bust me­chan­i­cal sys­tems that are still being used today, have held top level man­age­ment po­si­tions, as well as a re­tired U.S. mil­i­tary of­fi­cer among many other back­grounds. Our head­quar­ters and ma­chine shop are lo­cated in Aus­tria while our orig­i­nal and new prod­uct de­sign, test­ing, and de­vel­op­ment staff is lo­cated in both Aus­tria and the United States. The level of bril­liance and in­tel­lect through­out the en­tire com­pany is the major dri­ving force be­hind our suc­cess. ZCO may be a new com­pany, but our tal­ent in this in­dus­try runs about as deep as the Mar­i­anas Trench.

Due to ZCO’s in­volve­ment in many pre­ci­sion shoot­ing ap­pli­ca­tions, even seem­ingly in­signif­i­cant de­tails be­come in­creas­ingly im­por­tant. We fully un­der­stand that ded­i­cated life-long cus­tomers will be the foun­da­tion and dri­ving force for fu­ture in­no­va­tions and prod­uct de­vel­op­ment. Be­cause of this, we hold our­selves to the high­est stan­dard so our cus­tomers don’t have to. ZCO doesn’t man­u­fac­ture prod­ucts to meet a bud­get, we man­u­fac­ture to de­liver Un­com­pro­mised Per­for­mance and sur­pass our cus­tomer’s ex­pec­ta­tions! The high qual­ity and pre­ci­sion of ZCO rifle scopes will never be com­pro­mised nor sac­ri­ficed in favor of pro­duc­tion quan­tity. This phi­los­o­phy is para­mount.

#400-0378 Zero Compromise 6 mil Mount Block

#400-0378 The ZCO block mount with 6Mil incline has been specially developed for professional mounting of ZCO riflescopes and is characterized by high precision and strength. Our mounts are made in Austria and are manufactured on state-of-the-art CNC milling machines. … Continued

$999.00 Add to cart
#400-0385 Zero Compromise Rings 36mm High 1.34 Inch

The ZCO ring mounts have been specially developed for professional mounting of ZCO riflescopes and are characterized by high strength and precision. The ring mounts are available in heights of 30mm (1.18 inches) and 34mm (1.34 inches). Mounts are made … Continued

$449.00 Add to cart
#400-0398 Top Ring With Level

ZCO Ring Top Level In Stock This also take a long or short Rail to allow for additional optics or Devices.

$299.00 Add to cart
#400-0474 Zero Compromise 5-27×56 MPCT3X 10MIL NON Locking


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC527 is 387mm (15.24 inches) long, weighs only 1075g (37.9oz) and reaches 35 mil in el­e­va­tion ad­just­ment and 21 mil in windage ad­just­ment. It is in a class of its own! y.[kad_youtube url="" ]
$7,500.00 Add to cart
#400-0498 Zero Compromise 5-27×56 MPCT1X 10MIL NON Locking


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC527 is 387mm (15.24 inches) long, weighs only 1075g (37.9oz) and reaches 35 mil in el­e­va­tion ad­just­ment and 21 mil in windage ad­just­ment. It is in a class of its own! y.[kad_youtube url="" ]
$7,500.00 Read more
#400-0612 Zero Compromise 5-27×56 MPCT1X 10MIL Locking


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC527 is 387mm (15.24 inches) long, weighs only 1075g (37.9oz) and reaches 35 mil in el­e­va­tion ad­just­ment and 21 mil in windage ad­just­ment. It is in a class of its own! y.[kad_youtube url="" ]
$7,500.00 Read more
#400-0616 Zero Compromise 5-27×56 MPCT3X 10MIL Locking


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC527 is 387mm (15.24 inches) long, weighs only 1075g (37.9oz) and reaches 35 mil in el­e­va­tion ad­just­ment and 21 mil in windage ad­just­ment. It is in a class of its own! y.[kad_youtube url="" ]
$7,500.00 Add to cart


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC527 is 387mm (15.24 inches) long, weighs only 1075g (37.9oz) and reaches 35 mil in el­e­va­tion ad­just­ment and 21 mil in windage ad­just­ment. It is in a class of its own! y.[kad_youtube url="" ]
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ZC 420


The Zero Com­pro­mise Optic ZC420 com­bines ex­cel­lent op­ti­cal per­for­mance with un­matched me­chan­i­cal pre­ci­sion in the best ul­tra-short de­sign ever de­vel­oped. It com­bines the high­est lev­els of me­chan­i­cal pre­ci­sion, un­matched op­ti­cal per­for­mance, and ex­treme dura­bil­ity in a com­pact pack­age that can com­pete with much larger ri­fle­scopes. This small ri­fle­scope with a length of 325mm (12.8 inches) and a weight of only 986g (34.8oz) is ideal for any ap­pli­ca­tion where size and max­i­mum per­for­mance are para­mount.

The low mag­ni­fi­ca­tion pro­vides a wide field of view for rapid target acquisition while the mechanical system allows for 35 mils of elevation adjustment for the extreme long range engagements when required. Never be­fore has so much per­for­mance been com­bined in such an el­e­gant and com­pact ri­fle­scope.


Our op­ti­cal en­gi­neers have set the next stan­dard for clar­ity, light trans­mis­sion and res­o­lu­tion in a com­pact pack­age. Never be­fore has such per­for­mance been seen in this mag­ni­fi­ca­tion range and lens size. Total light trans­mis­sion is 92% while main­tain­ing ex­cel­lent color fi­delity matched with best in class res­o­lu­tion for the ul­ti­mate view­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The very best in op­ti­cal per­for­mance re­sults in height­ened view­ing com­fort for all day use so you can enjoy being be­hind your scope for ex­tended shoot­ing ses­sions.

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ZC 840
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Zero Compromise Rings 36mm 1.18 Inch

The ZCO ring mounts have been specially developed for professional mounting of ZCO riflescopes and are characterized by high strength and precision. The ring mounts are available in heights of 30mm (1.18 inches) and 34mm (1.34 inches). Mounts are made … Continued

$449.00 Add to cart